Studio Oto is a digital co-op working with organisations from the public, private, and civic sectors across the world, to deliver cost-efficient digital solutions that address pressing social and environmental challenges.


What we can do for you

Digital Strategy

●  Provide strategic insights into your product or service business
●  Understand your end-users through research and data analytics
●  Identify organisational strengths and weaknesses 
●  Turn social responsibility into competitive strength

Experience Design

●  Create compelling and innovative digital products and services
●  Meet the user's needs by delivering helpful, accessible, and user-friendly digital solutions
●  Communicate organisational values to target audiences

Software Development

●  Integrate off-the-shelf solutions that make the most of your budget
⚫⚫ Build bespoke solutions for your custom needs
●  Streamline your organisational workflow
●  Employ analytics to make rigorous data-driven decisions

How we approach projects


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